Why choose a licensed expert?
We take great pride in our work and are proud to be licensed by the Environmental Protection agency to collect and dispose of domestic rubbish and commercial waste. Licence number: CB/5M3852DY. We wouldn’t have it any other way even if we could. This means we can collect almost any item that you would put in your black bin bags, blue bin or brown bin and other larger items like furniture, white goods and pretty anything that you don’t want any more, perhaps those boxes of old clothes that have been sitting in the loft for the last ten years?
Regardless of what waste you’re thinking of getting rid of, the important thing to remember when choosing a supplier is that you should always double check whether they’re registered and approved to carry that waste. That way, you can be sure your waste will be disposed of properly, safely and legally. If not, you could be committing a crime and so could they. For the sake of spending literally thirty seconds on the Environment Agency’s checklist you could be saving yourself a whole heap of trouble. Simply tap in your postcode and bingo! Up comes the list of approved waste carriers. And that’s where you’ll find us. See for yourself.